
Gora Datta


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Gora DATTA (Fellow HL7, Visiting Scholar @ University of California, Berkeley) is a serial entrepreneur and an internationally acknowledged Subject Matter Expert on Digital Health, Mobile Health, Health Informatics Standards & CyberHealth initiatives. He is a visionary executive with 38 years of professional expertise in the field of Computer & Software Engineering and its application to Healthcare, Mobile Health, CyberSecurity, IoT, eLearning & Workforce Development. 

As a Digital Health Subject Matter Expert and ICT Expert on eHealth, Public Health & Social Protection/Safety Net Programs, Gora provides consultancy to & collaborates with large governmental organizations [e.g., US Dept of Health and Human Services (ONC, CMS, CDC, FDA), State of California (Public Health), County of Los Angeles (Dept of Health, Public Health), NIST-USA]; Governments [of Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Niger, Philippines, USA]; multi-lateral agencies [The World Bank, ADB, WHO, UNICEF] and US based independent hospital consortium (consisting of over 150 hospitals). Gora acts as Chief Health Technology Officer to multiple US Physician (Ambulatory) Practices in California. A key thought leader in the world of Digital Mobile Health.

He focuses on mobile technology driven, global standards based, alternate energy powered, cost effective solutions for health care access & delivery in remote, rural and underserved regions of the world; leveraging an e-learning environment for capacity building, reducing skills-gap, employment generation and sustainable growth. 

Gora is a speaker, author & reviewer of technical papers published in international journals/conferences. He is also invited to speak as a thought leader and subject matter expert on digital health & mobile ICT. He has presented at various international conferences, workshops & seminars; & has spoken at leading Universities around the globe. As a representative of International Chambers of Commerce to the UN World Summit on Information Society (WSIS @ Tunis 2005), he was quoted by press across the world on his thoughts on business opportunities in the emerging markets. Gora has won many international awards e.g., HL7 Fellow, HL7 International 2009 Volunteer of the Year, IEEE 2009 & 2008 Certificate of Appreciation, 2005 Best paper Award at HL7 International Healthcare Interoperability Conference in Taiwan. 

As global Digital Health standards expert, Gora is active with various Standards, Professional & Educational


  • Health Level Seven (HL7) International

HL7 Fellow, HL7 International Ambassador, HL7 Speaker

Member HL7 Technical Steering Committee

- (founding) Co-Chair HL7 Mobile Health Work Group

- (founding) Member HL7 Education Advisory Council

  • ISO TC215 Health Informatics Technical Committee: USA Country Delegate

​- Convenor AHG#4: Standards and Conformance

Convenor WG#10: Traditional Medicines

- Convenor TF#3: Outreach & Communications

- Liaison Officer from ISO/TC215 to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC 41 Internet of Things and related technologies

  • IEEE: Senior Member & Speaker

Co-Chairman IEEE Blockchain Initiative Conferences & Events

- Chairman IEEE Healthcare: Blockchain & AI Virtual Series

- Chairman IEEE SusTech2021 Conference on Technologies for Sustainability

- Chairman IEEE Southern California Council & Treasurer IEEE Orange County Section

- Advisory Board Chair IEEE SVP: Student Volunteer Program

- Chair IEEE Southern California CyberSecurity

- Vice Chair: (1) IEEE OC Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society Chapter, (2) IEEE OC Computer Society Chapter


-Speaker @ IHE 2020 Connectathon, HIMSS21 & HIMSS14; Reviewer HIMSS22, HIMSS 2021, [2020] & 2019

Gora is the founding Chairman and CEO of CAL2CAL group of companies (estd. 1996 in California, USA) – a multi-national innovative ICT products and solutions organization. He also serves on the Board of multiple organizations: educational, for profit and non-profit entities.

He is a Science (M.S. Honors Chemistry) and Engineering (B.E. Honors Chemical) alumnus of B.I.T.S., Pilani, India.  Gora is an avid traveler, reader and loves to play bridge in his spare time on his mobile device!

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